Monday, January 14, 2008

Hope is for people who do not already live in grace.

Sucre is eating chicken with the friendly Mexican. They talk about marriage and the fact that the guy was married for 41 years, until his wife died last week. The man tells Sucre that the young man is living on hope, and “hope is for people who do not already live in grace” (I like this…I think). Turns out the guy is probably right, because in the next scene, Sucre is stealing the guy’s VW Bug (little shout-out to my son, who can’t read yet: BUG BUG!), and people who are full of grace probably don’t steal cars. But the old man himself must have grace, because when the cops apprehend Sucre in the stolen car, the man doesn’t get mad or press charges. He gives the ex-con “gas money” and tells him to go find his girl. “Then find grace.” The whole world is rooting for Maricruz and Sucre, I’m tellin’ ya. They’re destined to be together. Karma is on their side.

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