Tuesday, November 28, 2006

je weet dat je in 2006 leeft... ... ALS

1. Je per ongeluk je paswoord ingeeft in de microgolf-oven...

2. Je in geen jaren "patience" gespeeld hebt met echte kaarten...

3. Je een lijst hebt van 12 telefoonnummers voor een familie van drie personen...

4. Je een e-mail stuurt naar de persoon van het bureau naast het jouwe...

5. Je reden om geen contact te houden met bepaalde familie of vrienden is dat ze geen e-mail adressen hebben...

6. Je je eigen oprit oprijdt en dan met je gsm belt om te zien of er iemand binnen is om de boodschappen mee uit je auto te laden...

7. Elke reclame-spot op tv een website vermeldt onderaan het scherm...

8. Je huis verlaten zonder je gsm, die je de eerste 20, 30 of zelfs veertig jaar van je leven niet gehad hebt, is nu reden om in paniek te raken en als een gek terug naar huis te keren om het verrekte ding op te halen...

10. Je 's morgens opstaat en eerst online gaat alvorens koffie te zetten...

11. Je je hoofd schuin begint te houden als je glimlacht... : )

12. Dat je dit allemaal al knikkend en lachend leest...

13. Erger nog, je weet precies naar wie je deze mail gaat doorsturen...

14. Je zelfs te bezig bent om te merken dat er geen nummer 9 is op deze lijst....

15. Dat je zelfs terug gescrold bent om te checken of er inderdaad geen nummer 9 IS !


Sunday, November 26, 2006

Conservative me?

Do the World's Smallest Political Quiz
Take the Quiz now and find out where you fit on the political map!

ACCORDING TO MY ANSWERS, The political description that fits me best is...


CONSERVATIVES tend to favor economic freedom, but frequently
support laws to restrict personal behavior that violates "traditionalvalues." They oppose excessive government control of business,
while endorsing government action to defend morality and the
traditional family structure. Conservatives usually support a strong
military, oppose bureaucracy and high taxes, favor a free-market
economy, and endorse strong law enforcement.

"The Quiz has gained respect as a valid measure of a person's political leanings." - The Washington Post



"He who conquers others is strong; he who conquers himself is mighty."

Lao-tzu is reminding us that the mark of a truly strong person is his ability to control himself and his actions. Very often, when I seek to control others I do so because they cannot control myself, in a mistaken belief that controlling other will make up for lack of self-control.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Friday, November 10, 2006

INTEGRITY = Walk the talk

What is the one most important character trait to hold? We could debate thatfor a long time, but let me offer integrity as a very likely candidate.

Integrity is the measure of how close are the things we say we believe (bywords, in our thoughts, etc.) and what we show we believe through our actions. The integrity gap is the space between what we say we believe and what we showwe believe.Everybody falls into the gap sometimes. People who believe in the law, driveover the speed limit. People who think steeling is wrong will take things whenthey think nobody will miss them. People who believe we should leave somethingbehind for future generations still consume oodles of unnecessary items. We become happier when the integrity gap is small, because we are doing theright thing by our own standards.

What more should I do to narrow your integrity gap?

Monday, November 06, 2006

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Cradle to cradle: No time to waste !

William McDonough and Michael Braungart

William McDonough's new book, written with his colleague, the German chemist Michael Braungart, is a manifesto calling for the transformation of human industry through ecologically intelligent design. Through historical sketches on the roots of the industrial revolution; commentary on science, nature and society; descriptions of key design principles; and compelling examples of innovative products and business strategies already reshaping the marketplace, McDonough and Braungart make the case that an industrial system that "takes, makes and wastes" can become a creator of goods and services that generate ecological, social and economic value.

There are two kinds of people in life: people who see the world as it is and wonder why. People who imagine the world as it should be and wonder; why not?

George-Bernard Shaw