Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Question of Size?

What was the importance of the size of the wave?

Belgian Style

It is all about style.

Belgian men like their body, any patatohead will confirm this. When we go on holiday we like to keeping up appearances.

healthy bodies with a beatifull mind

Snails are eating my post !

After 30 days of rain in Belgium we are now infested with snails in the garden. They are now even after my mail, ...

"excuse me Judge, I did not receive that letter, it was eaten by the snails."

Problems with my shadow.

My shadow is going mad.
Personally I'm very much 'aware' of my appearance and have worked hard all my life to benefit from such a perfect shape. Recently I had noticed that my shadow was not looking after itself well enough, but once it got to Bracz, it really lost control of itself!

What can I do? (Please don't comment on this one!)

2006-08-14 Brussels - Split: 1700km

Imagine driving this car in the streets of New York

Is this bad taste?

(look at the numberplate)

Monday, August 28, 2006

2006-08-14: Tallinn - Brussels 'thinking fast'

We had a very hard few days in Tallinn and only a few hours on the plane to get back in shape before driving down to Croatia.

No,no, I was not sleeping, just thinking with my mouth wide open ...

2006-08-12: Zotte Pots trouwt in Tallin

Wat zijn onze vlaamse jongens mooi, dat denken de meisjes daar in ieder geval.
We waren blij dat Patrick ons had uitgenodigd op zij eerste huwelijksfeest.

Amaaai mijn kluuuten

2006-07-21: New York, USA

Niets beter dan de nationale feestdag te vieren in New York.
Els was 14 dagen les gaan geven aan een paar kindjes daar en we hebben samen het week end niet ver van de Empire State building doorbracht.

I made it there, can I now make it anywhere?

2006-07-01: Surfing in France

A new sensation, far less painfull than snowboarding. A thrilling experience for my 2 oldest boys and me. It is all about reading the waves, paddling at the right speed, and gliding ...
We camped near the beach, watched the football final, visited 'les Patoux' in the Pyrenees.
It's not the size of the wave, it's the motion of the ocean