Thursday, November 20, 2008

Friday, October 24, 2008

Bellow 85 at last

1kg per week by just eating slowly.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Trying to loose weight ... again - 90,7kg today

Yesterday I ran into a BMI calculater. To my great surprise the system was clearly indicating that I was now 'completelly overweight' and to be categorised with 'OBESE' people. Not that I do not find Obese people funny or nice to be with, but if I want to continue skiing with the kids I better start doing something about it.

Friday, August 08, 2008

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Beware of the Irish Soft Shoulders

We could not believe there was no visible damage.
It took 5 strong Connemara men and a 4x4 to get us out of there.
I realy like the Irish

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Wednesday, June 11, 2008



Kids don't lie - a tribute to a real professional

On Saturday the children and parents from Els' class gathered to celebrate a wonderful year. The parents stressed the fact that their 2,5 year old had made so much progress in one year and that this would not have been possible without the help of a real PRO.

I cannot think of a much nicer tribute than this. Not even an Olympic medal can match this tribute. Anyway Els would not have like the Brabançonne.

Kids don't lie...

Something for Philip - Guy - Tanguy

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

88,6 Yearly Marketing Survey

The Buzz is :
* social networking websites
* green marketing
* ethical marketing

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

88,8 Vassil Guenov, in Memoriam

Last time we met Mariela prevented you to jump into the pool, yes we were drunk, it was way past midnight and the temperature of the water was 15°c, and we were going to do it with no respect to clasical dress code.

I was at La Plagne last week and woundered where you were? I even told Els that you were a person that she should meet.

I'll be at your party in your memory, I hope there is a pool.

Monday, April 07, 2008

89,1 kg - 7 more to go

Just came back from a week snowboarding with the kids. Being outside for a whole week always boost my energy level. I was without a PC and that really helped to clear my mind and prioritise the objectives for the quarter:

  1. Sports & Health -> Loose weight in order to run the 20km of Brussels.
  2. Work -> A lot of work this quarter, loads of business to be signed.
  3. Kids -> All the kids have a challenging Q in order to secure their year.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

89,9kg Time to take action

Less than 2 months away from the 20km, high time to take action and to start loosing weight.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Affinium Users' Community: already 65 members

On Monday we started the Affinium Users' Community on . If you are a Marketeer and you want to join us bij clicking on this link: .

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Monday, March 17, 2008

21 Movie - not about my CEO

For those who have not read the book; Briging down the house and want to understand how to win at Blackjack.

The Break Up - Advertiser vs Customer

Thursday, March 06, 2008

the kids of our kids will be able to read chinese ???

This add was in the paper this morning.
The subtitle says: 'The kids of your kids will be able to read this' , these are my grandchildren right ? My grandchildren will read Chinese ????

3 of my friend are already in that region, one in Singapore, one in Hong Kong and one in Sanghai. I wounder if they know something that I have not understood yet.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

The most beautiful race in Europe

Spring is in the air, and inscriptions to the most beautiful race in Europe has started on Monday. If you have not registered yet it is too late:

Dear Madam, Dear Sir,As we have reached 25.000 entries, we unfortunately can't accept new entries anymore. We are very sorry and hope to see you again next year from March 1st onwards for the 30st edition that will take place on May 31th 2009.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Poem to a 12 year old child- Rudyard Kipling

I like it in French because that was how my mother tought it to me.

Si tu peux voir détruit l'ouvrage de ta vie
Et sans dire un seul mot te mettre à rebâtir,
Ou perdre en un seul coup le gain de cent parties
Sans un geste et sans un soupir ;

Si tu peux être amant sans être fou d'amour,
Si tu peux être fort sans cesser d'être tendre,
Et, te sentant haï, sans haïr à ton tour,
Pourtant lutter et te défendre ;

Si tu peux supporter d'entendre tes paroles
Travesties par des gueux pour exciter des sots,
Et d'entendre mentir sur toi leurs bouches folles
Sans mentir toi-même d'un mot ;

Si tu peux rester digne en étant populaire,
Si tu peux rester peuple en conseillant les rois,
Et si tu peux aimer tous tes amis en frères,
Sans qu'aucun d'eux soit tout pour toi ;

Si tu sais méditer, observer et connaître,
Sans jamais devenir sceptique ou destructeur ;
Rêver, mais sans laisser ton rêve être ton maître,
Penser sans n'être que penseur ;

Si tu sais être dur, sans jamais être en rage,
Si tu sais être brave et jamais imprudent,
Si tu sais être bon, si tu sais être sage,Sans être moral et pédant ;

Si tu peux rencontrer Triomphe après Défaite
Et recevoir ces deux menteurs d'un même front,
Si tu peux conserver ton courage et ta tête
Quand tous les autres les perdront,

Alors les Rois les Dieux la Chance et la Victoire
Seront à tout jamais tes esclaves soumis,
Et, ce qui vaut bien mieux que les Rois et la Gloire,
Tu seras un homme mon fils !

Rudyard Kipling
Ce poême fut écrit en 1910, à l'intentionde son fils, John, alors agé de 12 ans.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Into the wild - Sean Penn

There are not many movies where everybody stays glued to his seat once the movie is over. During the movie I promissed myself to show this movie to my boys, but the end is so 'hard' that I am not so sure it is such a good idea.
If you need a shower of realism, go and see this movie.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Prison break part 2 vs Desperate Housewives

We came to the end to the second week of Prison Break, and were sad ... to see such a weak ending or better put, weak never ending .

Goos thing Despearate housewifes third season is still on. It is funier, and is not so nerve breaking, very sexy.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Hope is for people who do not already live in grace.

Sucre is eating chicken with the friendly Mexican. They talk about marriage and the fact that the guy was married for 41 years, until his wife died last week. The man tells Sucre that the young man is living on hope, and “hope is for people who do not already live in grace” (I like this…I think). Turns out the guy is probably right, because in the next scene, Sucre is stealing the guy’s VW Bug (little shout-out to my son, who can’t read yet: BUG BUG!), and people who are full of grace probably don’t steal cars. But the old man himself must have grace, because when the cops apprehend Sucre in the stolen car, the man doesn’t get mad or press charges. He gives the ex-con “gas money” and tells him to go find his girl. “Then find grace.” The whole world is rooting for Maricruz and Sucre, I’m tellin’ ya. They’re destined to be together. Karma is on their side.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

The Top Ten Radical Resolutions To Create Your Best Year Yet

1. Quit Tolerating. To attract new and better opportunities and results, first clear out what's clogging up your life to create the space for the better stuff to show up. List the things you're putting up with that limit productivity, cause stress and waste time and energy. Then determine what needs to happen to eliminate these tolerances. If you no longer accept being dragged down by unwanted events, problems or other people's behavior, you'll stop wasting time managing situations that shouldn't be there anyway.

2. Play Your Game. The best game to play is the one where you make up your own rules. If you're encountering resistance in reaching some goals, chances are it's either something you really don't want to be doing, an old goal that may not serve you or you're operating from someone else's agenda! Take the time to discover what YOU truly want by aligning your goals with the priorities in your life rather than the "Shoulds."

3. Create A Winning Routine. Busy with tasks that consume you? Feel that you're fighting the clock? Design a weekly routine that complements your goals so you can focus on the activities that support your objectives and enhance your lifestyle. This includes planning for the unplanned as well. Develop a healthier relationship with time by underpromising on personal/professional deadlines so that time becomes your ally instead of your adversary. To develop a highly effective routine, get organized, eliminate distractions, reduce stress, and manage your tasks in order to reach and exceed your goals, check out Keith’s ebook, Time Management for Sales Professionals at

4. Have Fun. Let's face it; this isn't our practice life! Are you doing the things that bring you the most joy? Find time every day that's yours. Shift your binoculars around to magnify your achievements rather than what you didn't do. Otherwise, when's the big payoff?

5. Deepen Your Learning.While we attract what we need to learn, we often resist the lessons. If similar problems keep reappearing, we missed the lesson. To accelerate success, learn from every experience and person in order to grow and move onto a new and better path.

6. Expand Your Vision. What does your ideal life look like? The fact is, we never grow past what we feel is possible. Let go of your current perceptions that are inhibiting your ability to explore greater possibilities and achieve more. Clarify what success looks like in every area of your life (career, relationships, health, environment, etc.). It's a lot easier to create something great when you know exactly what you're looking for. Besides, it's your canvass. What masterpiece do you want to create?

7. Transcend Your Beliefs. The Korean memorial says, "Freedom is not free." This holds true for our thoughts as well. Old limiting beliefs often keep us prisoner, preventing us from creating greater successes. Your outlook determines your outcome. So if you believe, "The past is responsible for the quality of my life today," "Success requires sacrifice," or "This is as good as it gets," consider challenging these assumptions and replacing them with healthier ones that would better serve you. Upgrade and direct your beliefs without them controlling you. (Otherwise, we'd still believe that our flat Earth is the center of the universe.).

8. Do Complete Work. You don't have to achieve every resolution at once. Instead of stopping and starting something, pick one thing you want to change, create or finish and commit to seeing it through to completion. Then move on to the next project. Otherwise, consider that you may be an adrenaline junkie and love the rush associated when working on overdrive. To prevent sporadic results and a pile of unfinished projects, get off the adrenaline train and start creating the momentum that produces consistent, long lasting results.

9. Focus On the Present. Although planning for the New Year is productive, during our quest to achieve more we often lose sight of what is occurring today, preventing us from enjoying the hidden gifts or treasures that are already present in our lives. Keep focused on what is occurring now as opposed to what happened yesterday or what will be in the future. Live for today while planning for tomorrow.

10. Fear-less.Every year we want more but fear prevents us from taking risks, so we continually produce similar results. Since fear is the negative assumption of the outcome, shift your focus towards the positive outcome or what you DO want to manifest, instead of what you are looking to avoid.