Saturday, September 30, 2006

The analogy between Sales and Surfing

Last week-end came as a welcome break in a 2 weeks sales training in the US. After having spend a few hours in the ocean, I started to feel some analogy between surfing and selling, or better put, trying to surf and trying to sell.

Here are some thoughts:

  • In order to catch the wave, you need to have the same speed as the wave.
  • The effort to take a short wave or a big one is the same.
  • Bigger waves do surf much better.
  • You should choose your wave carefully and not jump on the first one you see.
  • When you are tired you need to rest.
  • The good waves are not always where all the surfers are. (Surfers tend to flock together randomly)
  • Whatever you do there will always be people giving you advice from the beech or at least comment your actions amongst them.
  • The adrenaline rush when you are surfing and when you are closing a sales is the same.

However the analogy stops with following remarks:
You cannot surf 2 waves at the same time
In surfing, you cannot take over the credit of someone else.
Sales is not an individual sport.

any more ideas ???

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